20 Jun 2009 merupakan Ustinov Interculural Forum (UIF) day dan salah satu persatuan yg menyertai hari kebudayaan tersebut ialah Durham Malaysian Scholars (DMS). Hasil perbincangan, kerjasama dan usaha yg bertungkus-lumus kita telah berjaya mendapat keuntungan dr hasil jualan makanan2 di samping memperkenalkan budaya Malaysia kepada pengunjung2 gerai.
Program yg bermula dari 2-6 petang bertempat di Howlands Building, Ustinov College, Durham University dimeriahkan dgn pelbagai acara menarik walaupun terdapat gangguan bunyi bising dan teknikal..sound system bermasalah ..huhu..yg lain alhamdulillah lancar...
Sekalung penghargaan dan jutaan terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada semua yg terlibat dlm menjayakan projek tersebut. Terima kasih pada Ustaz Maszlee dan isteri, Ustazah Hamidah kerana mengamanahkan tggjwb pengurus projek pd saya...
My special thanks go to:
The Malaysian Embassy, London
for the speedy postage on tourism-related items including pamphlets, posters, cds and bag of goodies/gifts for visitors to the society;
Maria Anjum, Bobo and Raja Anis Azyarina (Members of Ustinov College)
for their support and cooperation;
Nur Fakhzan Marwan
for her assistance; driving me and siblings back and fourth to Howlands Building
Asilah, Adilah and Aiman Nadiah
my three siblings who gave endless support and made my life a fun one throughout the program
Arni and Kamilah
my Bruneian sisters for all the nice photography tagged throughout the program (and taking photos with us by the Malaysian flag)
Kak Zarina BZ
for her support and willingness in helping me in every way she possibly could;
My teams:
The 'Malaysian Cuisine' Chefs
a) Kak Ros Aniza (Nasi Minyak)
b) Kak Hanira (Nasi Kerabu)
c) Kak Ogy (Bihun Goreng Special)
d) Kak Zarina (Apam)
e) Kak Marlina (Ketayap)
f) Adlina (Karipap)-free trials for visitors
for the homemade delicious cuisine and delicatessen served;
The 'Dikir Barat' Performers
a) Fadhli (Head)
b) Faiz
c) Halil
d) Naso
e) Amir Ngah
f) Khairizam
g) Fauzi
h) Zariman
i) Ustaz Hilmi,
for their utmost commitment in rehearsing the show and their best effort shown during the performance
Busana Malaysia
1) Yazmin & Lutfi- baju cina
2) Adlina & K Ayu-Kerudung dan kerongsang
3) Syahmi-small traditional purses,
for the contribution on the unique traditional Malaysian apparels
Stall Committee Members
Kak Wan, Kak Nazimah, Kak Shuk, Kak Rohaida, Normi and The On-Duty Chefs
for the continuous commitment in managing the stall and entertaining stall visitors throughout the program
Some photos taken frm k zarina's blog, enjoy..
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